8 reasons you don’t feel any better after SIBO treatment

8 reasons you don’t feel any better after SIBO treatment

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is very tricksy kind of condition, so it’s common to try a treatment and then not feel better. Here are my reasons as an IBS & SIBO nutritionist why it’s hard to be rid of symptoms.   What is SIBO?  Small...
How to use prokinetics in SIBO

How to use prokinetics in SIBO

This post will help explain the function, and benefits of using a prokinetic and how it can affect SIBO. What is a prokinetic agent The word means promoting (pro) and move (kinetic), so it’s about promoting movement. Prokinetic supplements and medicines help to...
What is the Migrating Motor Complex & how to fix it

What is the Migrating Motor Complex & how to fix it

You might never have heard of it, but your Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) is super important. It’s an impulse that moves through your small intestine keeping it clean and healthy. You really need to be aware of this little known biological process if you have IBS...
Four risk factors for SIBO

Four risk factors for SIBO

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is where microbes overgrow in your small intestine. There are a complex set of risk factors for SIBO. If you’ve got SIBO it’s more than likely down to a combination of reasons, rarely just one cause. Let’s take a look at how...
Vitamin D – does it help IBS and SIBO?

Vitamin D – does it help IBS and SIBO?

Could a supplement of vitamin D help improve your quality of life if you have IBS? Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin (it’s not actually even a vitamin but a hormone, but let’s just call it vitamin D for now!)  The first thing to note, is...
Is ginger good for IBS and SIBO?

Is ginger good for IBS and SIBO?

Have you ever tried ginger for IBS or SIBO? Ginger is a root herb used as a food flavouring and also has traditionally been used as a medicine. It’s a well-known anti-inflammatory and can be a good way of supporting your digestive system.  Ginger for slow transit time...
Why does SIBO cause bloating?

Why does SIBO cause bloating?

How could SIBO cause your bloating? Are you sick of being mistakenly congratulated on your pregnancy? If you struggle with constant bloating then small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) could be contributing to the stomach distension and excessive gas. As a...
Essential tips for travelling with IBS & SIBO

Essential tips for travelling with IBS & SIBO

Travelling with IBS can be full of worry and anxiety, which can actually make your digestive symptoms even worse. Here are tips to get your flare up free holiday off to a good start so you can enjoy your well earned rest. Minimising IBS travel stress Prepare foods to...
Can bacteria cause low iron or anaemia?

Can bacteria cause low iron or anaemia?

We all know that iron is an essential mineral for our health, but did you know our gut bacteria also rely on it? So could gut bacteria cause anaemia, due to their need for this essential mineral? As humans, we don’t have a way to get rid iron, except through...