
IBS Bloating case study

“It’s changed my life after years of symptoms”

IBS Symptoms – extreme bloating

This client came to me for support because she seemed to react to anything she ate and had daily disabling stomach pains.

  • Her severe digestive bloating was so bad it had pushed her spine out of alignment.
  • She’d put on three stone in weight due to being unable to exercise.
  • She had regular headaches, eczema and was feeling exhausted and tired.

The doctors didn’t know what else to do with her, after multiple tests and specialists she was feeling lost and stuck.

IBS Relief

After four months of working together

  • Her bloating was gone
  • she began to regain her energy.
  • She was able to sleep more due to no longer being in pain at night, so felt less sluggish and was able to start exercising.
  • over four months she lost over a stone in weight, and regained confidence in eating.

    IBS Treatment Plan

    The client cut out gluten from her diet and focussed on increasing diet variety. We used some supplements to support her digestion of foods, and reduce inflammation.

    Progress wasn’t linear, and sometimes there were weeks when her digestion struggled, but by the end she was able to connect sleep quality, stress levels, what she ate and digestiev symptoms.

    We also worked on lifestyle changes to support better digestion, such as when to eat, how to manage stress and creating healthy habits.

      Getting to know your bloating triggers and root causes is so important.

      Anna Mapson, IBS Nutritionist

      Work with me - IBS Nutritionist

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