Gut Reset – Engagement Agreement
Good nutrition supports the body’s natural defences and resistance. However, no claims can be made about the efficacy of any nutritional advice.
Goodness Me Nutrition
- The degree of benefit obtainable from nutritional therapy may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar nutritional therapy programme. I cannot guarantee any results from working with me.
- My nutritional advice will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between both parties.
- Nutritional therapists are not permitted to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions. Nutritional advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
- I may recommend nutrition supplements and/or functional testing as part of your programme and may receive a small commission on some of these products or services. (This applies to UK clients only, outside the UK I don’t have any connection to testing or supplement companies). The cost of these are additional to payment for the Gut Reset.
- Standards of professional practice in Nutritional Therapy are governed by the CNHC Code of Conduct.
- I will keep records of our consultation for 8 years from the date of our final appointment as required by legislation. Your records will not be shared with anyone without your consent. After 8 years your case notes will be destroyed.
You (the client)
- I am responsible for contacting my doctor about any health concerns.
- If I am receiving treatment from my GP, or any other medical provider, I should tell them about any nutritional strategy provided by Anna Mapson. This is necessary because of any possible reaction between medication and the nutritional programme.
- I will tell Anna Mapson about any medical diagnosis, medication, herbal medicine, or food supplements I am taking as this may affect the nutritional programme.
- If I am unclear about the agreed nutritional therapy programme/food supplement doses/time period, I should contact Anna Mapson promptly for clarification.
- I understand that the advice is personal to me and may not be appropriate for others.
- I will not start taking any supplements without checking with Anna Mapson first whilst we are working together.
- I must contact Anna Mapson should I wish to continue any specified supplement programme for longer than the original agreed period, to avoid any potential adverse reactions.
Remote Nutrition Consultations
- I understand that I am engaging in telehealth services with Anna Mapson for Nutrition advice.
- I understand that it is my obligation to notify my practitioner of any other persons in the location, either on or off camera and who can hear or see the session. I understand that I am responsible to ensure privacy at my location.
- I agree that I will not record either through audio or video any of the session, unless I notify my practitioner and this is agreed upon.
4. I understand that my practitioner will take reasonable steps to ensure privacy during the session and use a secure videoconferencing platform, such as Zoom or WhatsApp. However, I understand that there are potential risks to using telehealth technology, including but not limited to, interruptions and unauthorized access.
- I understand that my practitioner is not responsible for any technological problems that relates to issues with software, hardware, and internet connection. When this occurs, my practitioner may conduct the session using another secure platform or via regular voice call. Alternatively, the session may be rescheduled to a future date and time as mutually agreed upon.
6. I understand that I am responsible for information security on my device, including but not limited to, computer, tablet, or phone, and in my own location.
- To maintain confidentiality, I will not share my appointment link or information with anyone not authorized to attend the session.
I have read and understood the information provided above, and I hereby give informed consent to the use of remote health advice.
Please report any concerns about your programme for discussion at your next consultation.
I understand the above and agree that our professional relationship will be based on the content of this document.
I declare that all the information I share during this professional relationship is confidential and to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.