
This post gives you an overview of what you might expect in the 3 month Gut Reset programme. I use a comprehensive model for supporting IBS and gut health which has been tried and tested with hundreds of clients.  

True gut health incorporates food, lifestyle and eating patterns

Have you ever started out trying to fix your IBS with a laser sharp focus on one particular area like taking a probiotic, or deciding to go to the gym 3 times a week?

Well, that probably got you some improvement. But if you only look at one aspect of your gut health it’s hard to make real lasting impact on a chronic condition like IBS or SIBO. 

Firstly, let me explain a bit about my gut health programme. 

What is the 3 month Gut Reset?

My programme for 1:1 nutrition clients is the 3 month Gut Reset.

  • NOT a faddy quick fix
  • NOT a strange gut detox & complex supplement regimen
  • NOT a juice diet

I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist and I’m all about helping you resolve your digestive symptoms, with tailored advice.

How to reset your gut

If you want to change your gut health you can try all kinds of typically healthy things. You could start going to the gym, you could take up meditation, you could start eating green vegetables. 

I like see all these different elements of gut health like cogs. Each aspect will influence the next in the intricate machine of our health.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a complex condition, there is rarely one cause. You can push on one area, like diet, all you like. However, if you’re completely sedentary, or not sleeping you will only get limited gains from the changes in your diet. 

My Gut Reset cogs model helps me investigate where you could make healthy changes. It’s also about being holistic, taking in your whole person. It’s more than just a diet change. 

The four main cogs are:

  1. Digestion – what’s the capacity for you to breakdown your food? When are you eating and what could that mean for energy intake and IBS?
  2. Gut Health – what’s the role of your gut microbes in your digestive symptoms? Are they adding to your bloating, pain or stool habits? 
  3. Diet – Let’s identify your dietary triggers, and look at whether you should follow an elimination diet.
  4. Lifestyle – What impact does the role of sleep, exercise and stress have on your capacity for better digestion.

I explain a bit more about each of these headings these further down the page.

When you’re working with me you get access to my video portal. Here you’ll get snippets of implementable education to digest at your own pace. This means we use our 1:1 coaching calls for tailoring the information to your unique situation.

4 cogs linking together in a circle with words in the centre of each one, pink is lifestyle, light green is Gut Health, yellow is IBS Diet, the largest one is Brown is Digestion.

1. Better digestion can help reset your gut

The first area I encourage you to work on is improving HOW you eat, and WHEN you eat. You’ll understand in simple terms the way your digestion works, and begin implementing some simple, healthy changes.

Sometimes you might see improvements without even changing your diet.

In this section you will explore the following areas:

Mindful eating – your key to digestive peace

Did you know changing your approach to eating can make a big difference in IBS? Even if you don’t change what you eat. You will learn about HOW to eat to improve IBS symptoms.

Meal timing

Maybe you skip meals, or snack all day long. Erratic eating can all have a big impact on your digestion. If you’re cramming all your FODMAPS, protein and calories into a very short eating window to avoid symptoms this can make IBS worse. Or maybe you fear large meals so you nibble all day long. You’ll learn gut healthy sustainable approaches to eating.

Tuning in to hunger & appetite for gut reset

Many people who experience IBS, can find it hard to tap into their feelings of hunger, or fullness.

In this section you’ll learn better appetite sensitivity to help you eat in a way that reduces digestive symptoms. This can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

2. Building gut health

Living inside our gut are trillions of microbes and these have a huge impact on the way we digest our food. It’s not just about taking a probiotic, but understanding which microbes could be influencing your symptoms.

The gut microbiome – resetting the balance

Sometimes you might have an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, or not enough bacteria in the large intestine. If I think it’s needed I may talk about additional tests that could help you (e.g. SIBO breath test). But I always try to work with food and lifestyle first. 

Gut microbes can affect your body’s reaction to food. Including the speed of our gut motility, our immune system, and other symptoms such as gas production.

4 cogs linking together in a circle with words in the centre of each one, pink is lifestyle, the largest one is light green saying Gut Health, yellow is IBS Diet, Brown is Digestion.

The Vagus nerve – your gut brain connection

Becoming conscious of the impact of your emotions on your digestion can be a huge step in improving IBS symptoms. We now have a strong body of evidence about the role of the gut-brain connection in digestive health.

Working with me you’ll learn skills for implementing this science into your life to create a strong foundation for your digestion, and mental wellbeing.

Diet variety – aim for 30

I love helping you expand your diet, increasing diet diversity. This aspect of the Gut Reset often comes near the end of your 3 months, when digestive symptoms have improved.

We know that eating a wide variety of foods is good for your gut health, and aiming for 30 different plant based foods can be a good place to start. I have a mini course called Aim for 30 on this aspect if you’re someone ready to dive in there with gut health. 

4 cogs linking together in a circle with words in the centre of each one, pink is lifestyle, light green is Gut Health, the largest cog is yellow saying IBS Diet, Brown is Digestion.

3. IBS diet for gut reset

There is a perfect diet for everyone, but it’s not the same one! IBS is a complex set of symptoms and triggers, so the treatment needs to be individual. 

We all have different health conditions, symptoms, gut microbiomes, genetics, history, eating habits, caring responsibilities and work patterns. These all affect our diet, and what works well for one person won’t work for everyone.

What is a balanced diet?

There is no one-size-fits-all diet. But most people can do well to…

  •         increase their protein
  •         increase their fibre intake
  •         eat a more varied diet
  •         eat more fruit

Even if you work hard to eat a healthy balanced diet, your IBS can make things tricky because

  •         Fat can lead to diarrhoea and reflux. (See my podcast episode about fats and IBS)
  •         Protein can sit heavy in your stomach.
  •         Carbohydrates can cause gas and bloating.

IBS Elimination diets to reset your gut

In the Gut Reset we’ll look at elimination diets. But also a big part is how to expand your diet, and what foods could help you when you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Many of my clients go through the low FODMAP diet, because this is a tried and tested method for reducing digestive symptoms, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

We may also look at low histamine, high fibre, low sulphur, or other specific diets to improve your gut health. 

4 cogs linking together in a circle with words in the centre of each one, the largest is pink saying lifestyle, light green is Gut Health, yellow is IBS Diet, Brown is Digestion.

4. IBS lifestyle

Don’t underestimate the impact of your lifestyle on your gut health. Trying to restore your gut by focussing only on gut microbes, or food just won’t work. You will also need to look at these areas:

Sleep and gut health

Did you know sleep is very important for digestion? It’s not just about feeling tired the next day, but actually a lack of sleep may change our cravings for food. Regulating our wake-sleep cycle is also very important for brain health, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. 

Stress reduction can help digestion

The vagus nerve connection between your brain and gut is a superhighway of information flowing backwards and forwards. You’ll learn how to use this pathway to improve gut health. 

Movement can improve IBS

You probably already know exercise is good for staying healthy, but in what way does it affect your digestion? As part of my programme we’ll cover which types of exercise help the most. And strategies to avoid making your IBS worse through exercise.

Work with me individually

I hope this has given you an idea of the comprehensive scope of my Gut Reset package. It might help you if you have digestive issues. 

Ready to chat? – If you’d like to find IBS freedom from painful, unpredictable gut symptoms then just contact me to set up a free discovery call. In the call I’ll ask you about what you need help with, and you can ask me about the programme.

Or in a group

The Group Gut Reset covers the same content, but some of the coaching sessions are in a group setting online. This is a cost effective way to get your IBS nutrition support over 3 months. 

IBS Nutritionist

Hi, I'm Anna Mapson, registered Nutritional Therapist.

I help people with IBS and SIBO get control of unpredictable gut symptoms to find long term relief from painful and embarrassing IBS without restrictive dieting.

I can help you to:

  • understand your digestion better, so you recognise your triggers
  • eat a well balanced diet, with tasty meals that are simple to prepare
  • reintroduce your trigger foods so you can get back to enjoying food again

Find more about my 3 month 1:1 Gut Reset programme. 

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